The History and Meaning of Promise Rings

The concept and meaning of both engagement rings and wedding rings are universally accepted and understood all around the world. Both are meaningful and important pieces of jewelry. 

An engagement ring is presented to someone on the occasion of a marriage proposal which is followed by the presentation of a wedding band at the marriage ceremony. Together, the two rings symbolize the most significant commitment between two people. 

Historically, it's hard to determine when wedding rings and engagement rings became two specifically separate objects. We know, however, that the concept of bridal rings dates back to ancient times but there is another type of commitment ring that has its own unique history and significance, and that is the promise ring.

If you don't know much about the types of promise rings and the various promise ring styles as well as promise ring meanings, then you have come to the right place!

Here is everything that you could possibly want to know about the tradition of promise rings, leading all the way to modern promise rings and how they are perceived in today's culture.

What Is A Promise Ring? 

LR2266 WHITE 18K SEMI18K White Gold Diamond Sapphire Ring

A promise ring is a symbolic piece of jewelry that is commonly presented to someone who is in a romantic relationship, to signify that a promise or commitment has been made between the two of you.

Usually, the ring is seen as something of a pre-engagement ring where a couple agrees to a future engagement without actually making the full engagement official at the time. 

Ultimately, a promise ring can mean different things to different people, it all depends on the relationship and the couple's intentions.

What Are The Origins Of The Promise Ring?

The origins of the promise ring can be traced as far back as ancient times, even if the exact details are not as well documented. Rings have been used as symbols of commitment and love throughout history and in numerous cultures all around the world. 

One popular theory, supported by anthropological evidence, about the origins of promise rings dates back to Ancient Rome. Roman betrothal rings were exchanged between couples as an official sign of their intention and commitment to marry. At this time, the rings were made from iron and were seen as a formal agreement between families.

Moving forwards in time to the medieval period and Renaissance Europe, the trend of posy rings became very popular. These were rings that were engraved with romantic messages and poetic phrases that were exchanged between lovers. Posy rings were seen as a way to express love and fidelity, as well as being a token of commitment.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, rings known as acrostic rings became very popular. These were rings that contained gemstones arranged to spell out a certain phrase or word. Each gemstone would represent a letter, and it would elude to a hidden message between lovers. 

MR3107 WHITE 18K X

18K Twist White Gold Diamond Sapphire Ring

Moving into more recent history, promise rings have been most popular in the United States during the 20th century and onwards. They have developed an association with chastity or abstinence, and instead of lovers exchanging these rings, they have started to become more linked between parents and children who want to commit to abstinence before marriage.

Over time, the symbolism behind promise rings has expanded to mean more than just a romantic commitment between couples. Today, however, promise rings have been exchanged for lots of reasons ranging from fidelity to partner to commitment to oneself. Nowadays, the original iron rings can be made from anything from white gold to quality sterling silver and yellow gold to Cala gold, and can even have striking center diamonds.

How Do You Wear A Promise Ring? 


18K White Gold Diamond Ruby Ring 

Promise rings are usually worn on the left ring finger, but the reality is that they can be worn on any finger that you wish, or even through a chain around the neck.

Unlike previous jewelry eras, the designs of promise rings can vary greatly these days, ranging from simple bands to more intricate and elaborate styles that feature engravings and gemstones.

The personal significance of a promise ring is always going to be determined by the couple and the individual who receives it, so if you don't want to wear it on the traditional left ring finger, then feel free to wear it in any way that you wish!

What Is The Difference Between A Promise Ring And A Purity Ring? 


18K Yellow Gold Emerald Band

As we mentioned above, the terms promise ring and purity ring have become quite linked over the years, but it is important to remember that they are in fact very different and distinct things with different histories and motivations. It should be a point of interest that the reason for presenting a promise ring or choosing to wear one for yourself is clear.

The trend of purity rings as we know them contemporaneously didn't actually rise until the 1990s, and is largely associated with religious groups across the United States. The purpose of the ring is to specifically be a symbol of sexual abstinence until marriage, and it is given to a daughter by her parents rather than by her partner. The purity ring then gets replaced by a wedding band on the day of her marriage.

On the other hand, a promise ring does not necessarily allude to no sex until marriage, but rather as a romantic symbol of devotion and not strictly a physical symbol of chastity. Promise rings have a much more personal meaning between a couple that is less to do with sex and more to do with an overall commitment between two people.

When Is The Right Time For A Promise Ring? 

LR2461 WHITE 18K X 18K White Gold Diamond Sapphire Ring

Though most people see a promise ring as a less 'serious' scenario than an engagement or wedding band, we still think that it should not be taken lightly or treated as some kind of 'lesser' commitment.

If you are planning on presenting your partner with a promise ring, you should still go through all of the thinking and consideration about your future with the partner in question - ask, why do you want the symbolism of a promise ring in your relationship?.

While there is no definitive answer to the question of when to present a promise ring, there are definitely a few notable circumstances and situations in which it might be the best option. These include:

  • When you and your partner have been dating for at least one year or longer, and you want to do something to signify the strength of your relationship without necessarily making an official engagement.
  • A promise ring is sometimes given if you are deeply committed to a partner but an official engagement and suitable ring is not quite within your budget at the moment.
  • If you are looking for a way to show your partner just how serious you are about your relationship, but that you understand you are not quite at the official proposal stage.
  • Promise rings are ideal for when, due to certain and various life circumstances, an engagement might not be possible at this moment in time.
  • A promise ring can be taken as a sign that you are prepared to make a bigger commitment in the future, it is an outward expression of love and togetherness if you aren't perhaps quite ready to go all the way with a full engagement.

In these modern times, a promise ring may be something of an old-fashioned notion but what's nicer? An outward symbol of your coupledom or an "in a relationship" status update on your Facebook page? A ring is a lovely way to show you are in a committed relationship without the need to make a big show of a proposal. 

At Moyen & Co we have a wonderful selection of promise rings to suit all tastes and budgets. Feel free to browse and we're always happy to answer any questions about any of our jewelry.

